Monday, October 14, 2013

Good Document Management Software Solutions from NSI

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

E-signing eliminates unncessary printing of multipart forms - are print vendors offering these solutions?

The above electronic change order form from Adobe (echo sign) has saved countless hours in my life at Bath Fitter as a consultant managing the change order process with customers.  I don't have to track people down and get signatures on a two part form (one copy for them, and one for my office) with a digital form that can be completed and signed electronically with Adobe's app, right from my smart phone.  It has taken an essential business process in a contracting business that is form and signature dependent and that would take many hours to complete and distilled it down to a few minutes or seconds to complete.
Adobe offers Echo Sign for free to limited users who sign fewer than 5 forms per month and a reasonable $39/mo service fee for more frequent users.  It is a good tool for use in any application that is form and signature dependent.  I highly recommend you give it a try.
It just works like no other off the shelf application I've seen.